Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mid term Progress

What did you say you were going to do?
I had planned to strengthen my claim, and try to narrow down what it is that I will be discussing and disputing in this paper. Look for supporting facts/evidence that I can use. Begin thinking about the structure of my paper and how I will organize it

What did you actually do?
I came up with a few different claims;
Television is not the reason humans have become more violent, humans are.
How people’s way of absorbing television and other media have changed, and have developed unwanted characteristics, Devolution?
Television, the new parents of a generation.
I also searched the web on various subjects, television and violence, media’s role in the overall growth of violence.

What do you need to do for the next class?
Come up with some more ideas to write about, possible interviews, new topics to research, find supporting evidence. Read classmates blogs to see if there is anything I can use or share with others. Begin writing opening paragraphs, organize arguments. Strengthen claim.

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