Tuesday, April 27, 2010

mid term draft

State whether you agree or disagree that watching television is likely to make people more violent.

Imagine a time and place where things like crime, violence, and corruption did not exist. Imagine humanity free of control, free of personal interests and selfishness, a place where people took responsibility for themselves. But to go on with such a list would be too optimistic. We all know as people already living on this planet that the things mentioned above are mankind’s legacy. For generations now humanity has been in a steady decline, not just financially and politically as I’m sure you’ve noticed. But we’ve literally as a species have been de-evolving, regressing further back every year so it seems. I’m aware such statements may seem outrageous even ludicrous, but the evidence has been piling up for quite some time now and it’s time to face the facts!
There have been an endless number of studies documenting this phenomenon. In more recent years we have been able to calculate more accurately than ever. Humans are easily influenced creatures, may it be directly or indirectly we are like sponges. We absorb everything around us, the good and the bad. Once an evolutionary trait that got us out the trees and walking upright, now seems to be our greatest weakness. It can be a difficult subject to grasp but television and other forms of media are as much a part of us as our brains. (Almost like an external hard drive to a computer) The media has become an outlet for billons of people to connect and share, and is one of the greatest strides in human communication to date. But what is being communicated? What are we as the viewer being shown, and what kind of repercussions could we possibly suffer from? The questions persist …
Present day 2010, as a society we are on a hill, the path we walked to get to where we are is in full focus, our past is visible. But the question is have we learned from it? Personally as a member of society and a long term victim of the media I can say that no, we have not. It seems as time has progressed the media has grown not only in size; satellite radio/television, modern film, mass produced books and genres, commercial advertisements etc... But its overall reaches. People who have never had a television or internet are now plugged like the rest of us. The state of internet is stronger than ever.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Research, and report.

Today I had planned to work on my media mid-term predominately, but I realized just how close the paper for film was due so I decide to just finish it. I completed my film essay and it’s ready for PRINT! So now I have that out the way the real work on the midterm may begin …

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sunrise - paper

In this paper I will prove how F.W Murnau’s 1927 film “Sunrise, A tale of two humans” is a perfect example of the struggle between the modern and anti-modern values of the 1920’s. Originally a short story by Hermann Sudermann “Die Reise nache tilsit”, Sunrise was a major achievement in modern film making. Winning a wide range of awards at the first ever Oscars and deemed culturally historical by the United States library or congress, and was voted on being on the best films of all time. Murnau’s expressionistic approach was something very new to American, so when the film his streets it had quite an impact on the public and film makers alike. Coming out in 1927, the year the first ever “talkie’ was made Sunrise was a silent film.

The film depicts the life of one man, with a strong inner conflict. He is torn between two lives, one life with his wife, on a farm with a child. Yet at the same time he is having an affair with a city woman. The man’s life on the farm represents the anti-modern, traditional life style that most people at the time were used to, his wife fulfilling the role of the traditional wife as a mother, committed housewife etc, which is expressed in many different ways. One example of this is shown in the director’s use of animals. All the animals in the film are a symbol of consciousness, almost as if the animals themselves are people and influence the characters as such. There is a sequence when the man is taking his wife out on the boat, and a dog which is tied to a fence, observes the couple and is barking loudly as if he knew what was coming.

The dog even gets loose and jumps into the lake swimming up to the boat and clings to the woman. The man takes it upon himself to remove the dog in an odd emotionless fashion, only strengthening the theory of animal influence.

Throughout the film his wife is seen as the polar opposite of the city woman. The wife is depicted in a bright light, she has light features, hair, eyes, smile, and is seen in daylight constantly, and represents many traditional anti-modern values. Where the woman from the city represents modern values, she is independent, smokes, wears bearing clothes like skirts and small shirts, which at the time was new and was coming along with the new views the 20’s created, where women, went to the city to start a life of their own. But she directly represents the man’s desires for new exciting things. When the city woman tells the man to drown his wife and move to the city is becomes clear that that idea appeals to him, the attraction of city life and modernist values seem so appealing that he is willing to commit murder to break free from his boring life. One example of just how diluted the man was while he was under the city woman’s spell was how after collecting murder accessories, he sneaks back into his own home, worried and nervous, and wakes up the next day in a panic visualizing the bull sprouts he had collected the night before in his wife’s bed.

The two women in this film represent the shift in values during the 1920’s. The woman from the city embodies many aspects of femininity. She represents the woman as a sexual being. In one sequence you can get a strong sense of the modern dominating the anti-modern. When the city woman leaves her shack on her way to see the man, she has a woman from the

village polish her shoes. In comparison every scene the wife is in she is seen, cooking, caring for animals or her child. The man is quite literally torn between two completely different lifestyles. After a turn of events the leads the man and his wife to the city, which in its own respect is ironic, it can be said the idea of the anti-modern life moves into a new light that is not so appealing, and the idea of living in the city seems appealing not only to the character but the audience too. The couple experiences a fast paced lifestyle unknown to them which can be seen in the shot where the man and his wife are the cause of a major traffic jam. After the couple rekindles their love in the church, where the man finally realizes the wrong he has done, and breaks down in tears, begging for his wife to forgive him. As night came about the couple was at a fair, a frantic paced party, where the man cannot seem to stop himself from playing games. Shows parallels, how the man cannot control himself from cheating.

When the pig escapes and the chase scene begins, I personally saw that entire sequence as the man’s chase with his own happiness. But ultimately by the end the couple realizes that they belong in the village. After a storm nearly killing the two on their way home, it can be said the man is forever changed. The man completely forget about the city woman and he dismisses her and nearly strangles her to death, another ironic event, the man was first going to kill his wife and now the tides have changed. The movie truly is a roller coaster of emotions, the mood is changing constantly throughout which give the viewer an idea of just how hectic things must have been for this man. One strong overtone that is woven throughout the film is the concept of the anti-modern community. At the begging when the husband goes to meet the city woman

The villagers are seen gossiping about the two later on. When the wife is lost in the water, the entire community comes out the look for her. The anti-modern seems to be favored in this film by the title of the film itself, “Sunrise”, where the woman from the city represents the modern, who is seen only at night, emphasized by a full moon. In contrast to the wife, who is seen in daylight throughout. Day and night are generally associated with good and evil, which strengthens the argument of the anti-modern over the modern. The title, in a sense, refers to the anti-modern literally rising over the modern.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mid term Progress

What did you say you were going to do?
I had planned to strengthen my claim, and try to narrow down what it is that I will be discussing and disputing in this paper. Look for supporting facts/evidence that I can use. Begin thinking about the structure of my paper and how I will organize it

What did you actually do?
I came up with a few different claims;
Television is not the reason humans have become more violent, humans are.
How people’s way of absorbing television and other media have changed, and have developed unwanted characteristics, Devolution?
Television, the new parents of a generation.
I also searched the web on various subjects, television and violence, media’s role in the overall growth of violence.

What do you need to do for the next class?
Come up with some more ideas to write about, possible interviews, new topics to research, find supporting evidence. Read classmates blogs to see if there is anything I can use or share with others. Begin writing opening paragraphs, organize arguments. Strengthen claim.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

“Why I said what I said to Howard and Dionny."

“Why I said what i said to Howard and Dionny"

When i first began reading the articles i had no idea what they were writing about, but that's what made it interesting. Once i put the pieces together and figured out the assignment i was able to express some of my concerns. Having no personal connection or idea of the individual gave me a sense of freedom to respond both honestly and critically. For Howard, i felt the add he chose was a strong one, and executed his assignment well but could of defiantly took it further then just the basic descriptions and has potential. Use more literary devices, and methods of communicating your ideas better.
For Dionny, i felt the add you chose was slightly more difficult, but same can be said to you that i said to Howard. And to both of you, if you feel stuck take a step back and try to change your point of view, experiment more with your words and ideas and I'm sure you will be able to come up with some great descriptions.
I don't usually critique anyone's work , but i did learn how to analyze written work and look for certain things that stand out , both negative and positive.

Mid-term research !

* Thesis / Thesis Statement
A thesis is the Spine of a paper, its the guide to how the writer will be expressing their interpretation of the discussion matter.

* Research
Is the processes of obtaining information relevant to your topic.

* Argument
is a disagreement involving two different points of view, with intentions of persuading or convincing.

* Claim
to make a statement that is asserting and maintain as a fact.

* Reasons
statements presented in justifying or explanation of a belief or action. a basis of fact, or cause.

* Evidence
contributing factors that intend to prove or disprove a claim or statement, by indication facts, ground and belief.

My personal position of violence and television and its affect on the population is a strong one, its a complicated subject with already irreversible damage done. I intended to capture evidence that supports my claims. Looking everywhere from Google to Library sources to news paper articles. The evidence needed undoubtedly will need to be actual events with supporting documentation and relevant ideas and conflicts.

Modern Language Association (MLA):
"Evidence.Reasons.Claim.Argument.Research.Thesis" Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 08 Apr. 2010. .
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Train of Thought by Eric Palanza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at noxer23.blogspot.com.
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