Thursday, May 6, 2010

Matirx essay - revisted

Through My experiences here on this floating rock, I’ve come to the conclusion that in fact we are living in the matrix. Now I know what you’re thinking, that’s not possible, when indeed it is, just not probable. I’m not suggesting that everything and everyone is fake, and machines have taken over the world and the human race is now enslaved in pink goo pods being used as batteries! My theory is more of a conceptual matrix that humans have created. "The people on this planet are all fakes because the societies have made them this way. “Like parasites they infect the minds and spread from one person to the next. They have no point or purpose; they exist without any logical basis or foundation. The fakes are completely controlled by them, and they will never see beyond them. To not be controlled by them one must do more then just realize that they exist. One must resist any ideas that have no point, endlessly question, and never accept imperfection or compromise in any answer." - by Vanessa Cortez

In the essay written by Nixon in PATM, he brings up many interesting ideas, that if you were to comprehend in full would most definitely assist you on your quest for the truth. On page 29 (patm) –Nixon writes, “ if it is possible that a belief you have is false, then that belief is not one that you can say you really know.” This statement explores the concept of truth, without truth can there even be a false? And vise versa. So ask yourself, how do you know (right now) that reality is real? Nixon’s essay explains how we cant be living in the matrix, Once again (probably not) he gives such reason like consensual agreements, such subjects like science etc … Thins that people in society all accept as real, truth. Like the empire state building, oxygen, and the dog crap you stepped in last week!. It’s not that I don’t agree with Nixon’s claims, but it’s more like he is simply focusing on a small portion of a much larger picture.

I personally do believe we live in a matrix, no, not that one, but the human matrix. No machines are the masterminds, we are. We are all separate individuals, with our own experiences and thoughts. So what really is the difference? Philosophically speaking we live in a consensual illusion. Using the allegory of the cave as a reference, and Dr. Smith as an example. Growing up in Texas where he didn’t know their were other people out their who were not Christians. You don’t know what you don’t know. The next time you are outside – feeling the heat on your face from a star hundreds of thousands miles away, take a step back from the illusion and think about this; “its not possibility that matters its probability.” –pg 30 (patm) Now before you begin to suspect your parents of being aliens, and loose your noodle and end up in the basement of a Looney bin, breath. “ You think that’s air you’re breathing now.” – Morpheus (the matrix)

But in all seriousness a subject as vast and as complicated as this isn’t one easily grasped. Philosophy isn’t for everyone, which is sad because I personally wished every single person took the time out of their lives to question these things. The world would be undoubtly a better place, or one buried to its neck in philosophy books. One unsetteling factor above all this is the fact that Humans only recently reached their intellectual peak, where things like philosophy and mathmatics can really grow. IN any other period of time if you would be stoned or suspected of being a witch, or even stoned to death. Ut with exceptions to our great Greek philosophers, and early scientist who made the wolrd what it is today. We’ve come so far, intellectually that to predict or forsee our next great acheviment is our search for the truth is impossible. Wecab only be patient as the human evolutionary track takes it course. Be a Nixon ( not the president) be a Neo. Take take yourself our of the norm and try to experiences something greater, because that’s the only way we can progress.

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